When you own your own home, it’s easy to forget about the little things. You might not think about things like lighting or flooring until they become problems. As you get older, though, it becomes more important to think about these details. A home that is easy to navigate, has good lighting, and is comfortable for older people living there is crucial for maintaining independence as you get older. Here are some ways you can make your home more senior-friendly:

Install Wide, Clear Walkways

When you walk through your home, you want it to be as easy as possible. Wide, clear walkways are the best way to make this happen. Wide walkways are especially important if you have pets or small children in the home. If your home has multiple levels, walkways should be wide enough for a wheelchair to pass through without bumping into walls or other obstacles. If you have a small pet, consider installing pet stairs so your pet can go from floor to floor without having to go through the kitchen or living room. If you have a large dog or cat, you might want to consider a pet door so the pet can come and go as they please.

Add Storage

If you have limited space in your home, you might not think about adding storage. However, there are many ways you can add storage to your home. If you have a garage or attic, you can use these spaces to store items like outdoor furniture, sporting goods, or other things you might not have room for in your main living areas. You can also add shelves, cabinets, and other storage options to your walls, bathroom, or kitchen. If you have a smaller home and don’t have a lot of extra space, you might want to think about renting a storage unit to keep items you don’t need on hand.

Install a Lighting System That’s Easy to Change

Lighting is one of the easiest ways to add brightness to your home. However, you don’t want to install a lighting system that is complicated or difficult to change. Instead, you want to install a system that is easy to change to suit your needs. For example, if you are hosting guests and want to have a dinner party, you might want to turn on a brighter light in the kitchen. If you are hosting a party and want to have a movie or show, you can turn off the lights and use a different lighting system that is better suited for watching TV or movies. You can also use lighting to create a warm, cozy feel in your home. For example, you can install lights under your kitchen island or in your living room to create a cozy atmosphere.

Add Handrails and Ramps

Handrails are important in any home, but they are especially important for homes that have stairs. If you have stairs in your home, you should add a handrail to each side. This will help you when you are going up or down the stairs, and it will make the stairs safer. Ramps are another great way to help people get around your home. If you have a deck or back yard, you can build a ramp that leads from the deck or yard to your house. This can make it easier for people in wheelchairs to get into their home, and it can make it easier for people to go outside and enjoy the weather.

Install a Walk-In Shower

If you have a home with a tub, you might want to consider replacing it with a walk-in shower. This will make it easier for you to get clean, and it can make it easier for family members to help you get clean. Many older people find it difficult to get into a tub, and a walk-in shower can make this easier. You might also want to consider adding grab bars to the walls and the floor of the shower. This can make it easier for you to get out of the shower, and it can make the shower safer for those who might use it after you.


When you own your own home, it is important to make it as easy as possible to navigate. You can do this by installing wide, clear walkways, adding storage, installing a lighting system that is easy to change, adding handrails and ramps, installing a walk-in shower, and more. These are all great ways to make your home more senior-friendly.

Frequently Asked Question

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