Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless and highly poisonous gas produced by the burning of hydrocarbons such as natural gas, gasoline, wood, coal, and kerosene. CO is a silent killer, and often people don’t realize they have been exposed until it’s too late. It can be fatal if not treated quickly, especially for young children and the elderly who are at a higher risk of CO poisoning. Carbon monoxide poisoning is the leading cause of fatalities from home fires in the United States. It is estimated that about 500 people die each year from CO poisoning in the home. That is why it is important to know the risks and how to reduce them. In this article we will take a look at some things that can be done to reduce the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning in your home.

Change your smoke alarm batteries

One of the first things to do is to change the batteries in your smoke alarm. Carbon monoxide is produced when there is a lack of oxygen. If your smoke alarm battery is old and run down, it won’t be able to alert you when there is a fire. So it is important to change the batteries every year or so. You can change the batteries yourself or hire a professional. If you have hard-wired smoke alarms, the same applies. You should change the batteries in those as well.

Change your pilot light

Pilot lights are used to heat water, gas, and oil in your home. If they are not working properly, they can produce CO. You should change the pilot light in your water heater and gas stove every year or so. You can change the pilot light in your oil burner once a year if it is electric. You can do it yourself or hire a professional. If you have hard-wired pilot lights, the same applies. You should change the pilot light in those as well.

Change your furnace filter

Furnace filters trap dirt and other particles in the air that could be causing CO in your home. If your furnace filter is clogged, you can have problems with CO. You should change your furnace filter every year or so, or sooner if it is dirty. You can change the filter yourself or hire a professional. If you have hard-wired filters, the same applies. You should change the filter in those as well.

Change your clothes dryer filter

Clothes dryer filters trap dirt and other particles in the air that could be causing CO in your home. If your clothes dryer filter is clogged, you can have problems with CO. You should change your clothes dryer filter every year or so, or sooner if it is dirty. You can change the filter yourself or hire a professional. If you have hard-wired filters, the same applies. You should change the filter in those as well.

Check your heating system for leaks

It is important to check your heating system for leaks. This can reduce the amount of CO in your home. You can do this yourself or hire a professional. You should check your water heater, gas lines, and pipes in your home. You can use a carbon monoxide detector to find CO more easily.

Install CO alarms in bedrooms and other high-risk areas

If you have young children, it is important to install CO alarms in their bedrooms. This will alert you when there is a problem and give you time to get your child out of the room. CO alarms can also be installed in areas where there are a lot of people smoking, such as the kitchen or living room. CO alarms can also be installed in areas where you are storing gasoline or other flammable items.

Summing up

Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless and highly poisonous gas produced by the burning of hydrocarbons such as natural gas, gasoline, wood, coal, and kerosene. CO is a silent killer, and often people don’t realize they have been exposed until it’s too late. It can be fatal if not treated quickly, especially for young children and the elderly who are at a higher risk of CO poisoning. Carbon monoxide poisoning is the leading cause of fatalities from home fires in the United States. It is estimated that about 500 people die each year from CO poisoning in the home. That is why it is important to know the risks and how to reduce them. In this article we will take a look at some things that can be done to reduce the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning in your home.

Frequently Asked Question

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